Profiled flooring

The basis of profiled flooring is cold-rolled steel of 0,4–0,5  mm thickness for walls, up to 0,45,-0,7  mm for roofing and 0,7–1,5  mm for bearing units. It has a zinc layer on both sides of the sheet, protecting metal from corrosion; in turn, zinc layer has a layer of conversional phosphate on it. On top of it there is a layer of polyester, pural, mass PVC or PVDF.

Profiled flooring
Types of flooring Marks Characteristics
Wall-oriented С-8, МП-10, С- 15, МП-20, С- 21, НС-35, Каскадный, ЕвроПрофиль For external walls facing, that are not imposed to serious loads, for barriers up to 2,5–3 m high in regions with strong winds, and also while erecting various technical constructions and industrial buildings. For buildings with serious load – flooring of 0,4-0,9 mm thickness is advised.
Roof-oriented МП-20R, НС- 35R, Н-60R, Н- 75R Sheet steel from 0,4 to 0,9 mm thick, which is rolled through special beads. Complex roofing is formed, that includes several trapezial channels, which form stiffening ribs. The number of trapezoids can be from 11 to 3 or 4, the less trapezoids are there, the higher they are.
Bearing Н-60, Н-75, Н- 114 Thickness of bearing roofing is from 0,7 to 0,9 mm, and height is 60, 75 or 114 mm. Each sheet has 3-4 trapezoids with extra stiffening ribs.

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