Group of companies “VM” performs production of equipment for oil-and-gas and chemical industry, as well as its implementation and complex deliveries of supporting devices and materials. We carry out unique tasks, which can not be done with the help of serial produced equipment.
Our enterprises offer a full spectre of services in assembly of industrial objects. We possess successful experience in implementation of our own projects and work in collaboration with leading project enterprises in this sphere.
We produce furnaces which are intended for high-temperature heating of oil and oil products during their processing.
Heat exchangers are aimed at heating and cooling of liquid and gaseous atmospheres in technological processes of oil-refining, petrochemical, chemical and gas sectors of industry.
Plants various designs are intended for transportation of dry powdered materials(cement, oil-well cement and etc) and supply of these materials by two spiral assembly lines through a mixing device, when oil-well cement for cementation of boreholes is needed to be prepared.
Blending plants of different modifications are designed for oil-well cement processing in order to make the mixture homogeneous all over the container. This plant works in combination with blending and pumping assemblies for cementation of annular spaces of bores.
Oilfield tanker (OT -10) is meant for collecting and transporting of spilled non-aggressive engineering liquids (oil, oil products, condensate etc.), except liquefied hydrocarbon gas.
Flare plant — is a complex of equipment and devises meant for burning of combustible gases and vapours of various industrial waste products — emergency waste, constant or occasional ones, which is a modern environmental protecting system and allows oil–and-gas processing factories to work more effectively and safely.
Treatment plants - Designing, manufacturing of equipment and building of plants for wastewater treatment from oil, chemical and petrochemical industry and also for waste treatment from other industries.
Blowout preventing equipment that is widely used in Russia and CIS countries, with standard Nominal Pipe Size(NPS) from 180 mm to 425 mm and Operating Pressure(OP) from 21 MPa to 70 MPa and there are approximately 100 of different modifications.
In our work we rely on informed decisions, based on rich experience and deep theoretical knowledge.